focus group

$250 Focus Group

Earn $250 in rewards helping to shape the future of technology!

Earn $250 in rewards helping to shape the future of technology!

  • Sign up for a 3 hour in-person study in Midtown Manhattan NYC or Iselin, NJ through the fall

  • Primary demographic: 18-20 year olds (but everyone can apply, because they are looking for some other demographics as well).

  • All study participants will get $250 for their time and participation, which is paid online and processed within 4-6 weeks; they can pick a gift card from vendors of their choosing

  • Survey takes about 6 minutes to fill out. Make sure you fill out the correct information (including wrist size)

  • Note: When registering, select Someone referred you, and then select NYC for FREE from the checklist as the referrer. This will help NYC for FREE to share more focus group opportunities like this!