beauty services
Free In-Store Beauty Services
Did you know that a lot of free-standing beauty stores will offer FREE beauty services? Here is a list of where & what you can get:
Aveda: Enjoy a custom mini-facial, hair & scalpt consult, styling session and more. There are two NYC stores (Columbus Circle, NoMad). Check out the video here
MAC Cosmetics: MAC stores across the country offer free 15 min makeup services: including The Essentials routine, Wow Brows, Love Your Lips & more. There are a few NYC stores (Columbus Circle, Hudson Yards, SoHo, World. Trade Center, Harlem, Queens Center) Check out the video here
Jo Malone: You can book a free 20 minute Hand & Arm Massage at Jo Malone stores or other complimentary scent experiences you can book: Scent for You, Scent Your Home, Essentials for Men, and more. There are 4 NYC stores (Hudson Yards, Columbus Circle, UES and Brookfield Place). Check out the video here
Kiehl’s: You can book a 15 minute skin analysis at Kiehl’s stores using the Derma-Reader
L’Oreal Test Salon: *Not a store* L’Oréal has a test salon in NYC where you can get complimentary services and hair care goodie bags. Join the L'Oréal New York Test Salon program to become a hair model and help test out new products.